Registration for CCVX entrance exams

Registration and Payment On this page you can register for the CCVX entrance exams. The CCVX delegated all registrations and payments to University Medical Centre Utrecht. Registration and payment therefore are handled by the webshop of the University Medical Center Utrecht. Please send any questions regarding payments to the UMCU (
You can pay with IDeal or credit card. The money may also be debited to someone else's account, e.g. one of your parents'. Make sure you have the IBAN number at hand when filling in the registration form.
The fee to take an entrance exam is € 98,- and entitles you to sit one exam once.
Anyone who takes an CCVX entrance exams must accept the conditions.
Please note: according to the terms and conditions, it is not possible to cancel your participation in an entrance exam once you have registered. It does not mean that you are obliged to come, but even if you decide not to take the exam you have registered there will be no refund of the registration fee.

Registration procedure
  1. Make sure you register on time. The registration deadline is 10 days before the exam. (However, if the registration form stays online longer, you are lucky and you can still register. ;-))
  2. Registration and payment go through the web shop of the Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht. Everyone who registers for a entrance exam receives almost immediately an e-mail from the UMCU. The e-mail confirms that you have completed the registration form and encloses an attachment with a (digital) invoice. This is your proof that you are registered. Keep that invoice in a safe place (print it out!), because sometimes you are asked to show that you are preparing for a entrance exam or that you are working on eliminating your deficiencies. It is possible that such an e-mail will be delivered via the internet with a slight delay, but if you do not receive confirmation within an hour, something is wrong. Then contact (the next day ;-)) the UMCU ( The UMCU does not send you written confirmation of your registration, just this e-mail. Note: you are only registered if you have paid and therefore received an invoice (by e-mail) from the UMCU. In all other cases you are not (yet) registered. The CCVX is not sending you any e-mail if you have registered.
  3. Approximately 48 hours before the entrance exam (no earlier), you will receive another email this time from the CCVX. This message will tell you (again) where the exam will take place and what you should/must bring. If you have not heard from the CCVX 48 hours (no earlier) before the start of the exam, send the invoice that you received immediately after you registered at UMCU (see point 2), and in which it has been confirmed that you have paid, to the CCVX ( Tell that something apparently went wrong and we will solve it.
Exceptional examination provisions (extra time)
Candidates may be granted extra time to finish the entrance exam. For example, candidates with dyslexia and candidates who are not proficient in Dutch language (yet), may be granted half an hour extra time under certain conditions. A request for extra time must be submitted to the secretary of the CCVX at least 10 days before the date on which the entrance exam is scheduled. Send an email to and attach the relevant proof. You can only request extra time if you have first registered for an entrance exam.

Cancellation is not possible
According to the terms and conditions, it is not possible to cancel your participation in an entrance exam once you have registered. It does not mean that you are obliged to come, but even if you decide not to take the exam you have registered for, you still have to pay the fee.
This implies that cancellation is also not possible because of "unforeseen circumstances", changes of your career plans, public transport failure and bad weather conditions. Changing your registration for an exam to an exam at another time is not possible either. In case you do not want or are unable to come (because of "unforeseen circumstances", illness, public transport failure or any other reason), it is no use informing the CCVX about that ;-)

Registration forms - general remarks
As part of your registering, you will be asked to enter your birth name and the programme and institute you want to apply for. Read the information if necessary.

Exam in English or in Dutch ? If you want to take the test in English, then while filling out the form to enroll, confirm the question whether you want the test in English. If you confirm this you get the entrance exam in English and of course you may answer in English. Otherwise you get the test in Dutch.

You will also be asked to provide an address. This is the address to which we will send the result by postal mail. Please take this into consideration in case you plan to move in the near future.

For locations and directions see info on main page.

As long as a registration form is still on the site, you can still register. Even though the official registration period is actually ended.

If the links below do not open immediately, be patient because the webshop can sometimes be slow.

Be care: the entrance exams below are in July